Stress Management
Sessions are offered on-site or remotely
Choose from a variety of offerings to meet the needs of your staff:
Mental & Emotional Well-being Services
This program gives you the tools to manage stress and develop resilience that will help you thrive. The material works to motivate and inspire healthy lifestyle change and navigate the possibilities of work life balance to bring a sense of calm and control to your life.
This program includes:
- Focus on YOUR idea of a balanced life
- Goal setting and vision planning
- Topic driven discussion at the end of each session
- Additional Resources
Session 1: Defining Your Idea of Life Balance
Session 2: Your Health, Fun & Recreation
Session 3: Relationships, Family & Friends
Session 4: Business, Career & Finances
Session 5: Personal Growth & Physical Environment
Session 6: Putting it All Together
In today’s complicated, fast-paced, hyper-connected and often overwhelming world, it can be difficult to find perspective to focus on what is important and not just what is urgent. Learn how to relax, to reduce stress and cope better with everyday demands in this monthly 30-minute class. The class is designed for both beginners as well as those who have practiced mindfulness.
Throughout the series, participants will learn a variety of mindfulness practices on how to take better care of themselves using their own mind body resources.
These practices include:
- Meditation
- Breathing techniques
- Body-scan
- Gentle stretching with awareness
- and more!